North Lincolnshire SENDIASS

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Statement

North Lincolnshire SENDIASS is committed to respecting the rights of service users to confidentiality and/or anonymity when seeking advice. We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to provide the information, advice and support you have requested from us. This is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 which states that services must ensure that we handle your information safely and securely.

North Lincolnshire SENDIASS provides a self-referral service for parents and carers, young people and children offering information, advice and support appertaining to a child or young person’s Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND), including processes relating to education, health and social care. The service is funded by North Lincolnshire Council but operates at arm’s length from the Council offering a confidential service to those that contact the service for information, advice and support. North Lincolnshire SENDIASS process your information on behalf of North Lincolnshire Council.

North Lincolnshire SENDIASS use a confidential database with no connection to the Council.  The database is hosted by an external provider and is managed by the service manager of the Service. North Lincolnshire SENDIASS, with your agreement will gather personal information and record information about you and/or your child on the North Lincolnshire SENDIASS confidential case management system (database). This information will be focussed on your child’s special educational needs and/or disability.

We will get most of this information from you, however, with your permission we may retrieve information from different services, schools, colleges or systems they input into. We will only access the information that we need to support your own individual situation.

You are under no obligation to provide this information but it may limit the range of support we may be able to offer you if you do not provide it.  We will obtain your agreement before we share your information with relevant providers to enable them to deliver the service to you.

The personal information we collect may include:

  • Your name
  • Your child’s name
  • Your address
  • Your child’s age / date of birth
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number[s]
  • Your ethnicity
  • Parental responsibility

School/ educational setting

  • Information relating to your child’s disability / needs e.g. level of SEN (e.g. School Support or an Educational Health Care Plan).
  • Other information relating to your child’s education
  • How the service user wishes to be contacted telephone, text, email or letter

North Lincolnshire SENDIASS will use this information for the following reasons:

  • To inform your on-going casework
  • To have an accurate on-going record of your enquiry
  • To provide face to face and on the phone support and advice
  • To save you having to give us the same information more than once, if you contact us again and speak to a different person
  • To carry out regular monitoring
  • To analyse our services and their demographic reach
  • Identify and build up anonymous statistics about things that parents/carers, children and young people in general are concerned about and the difficulties you are facing
  • Service improvement
  • Evaluation
  • To discuss your child or young person with the local authority (LA), the voluntary sector, outside agencies or education settings staff, regarding your case work enquiry
  • To assist with complaints and dispute resolution

You can withdraw your agreement to work with North Lincolnshire SENDIASS at any time. Should you choose to do so, we will no longer process your information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so in law. To withdraw your agreement to work with North Lincolnshire SENDIASS please contact us using the details below

The information you provide to the North Lincolnshire service will not be shared. There may be circumstances where we may use and share your information without your agreement, as we are legally required to do so if we believe there are significant concerns relating to you, your child/ young person’s safety or wellbeing.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives you the right to request access to the information we hold about you and the services you receive from us your rights, This is known as making a Subject Access Request (SAR).  Further information in respect of your rights is available at To exercise these rights please contact  or the Information Governance Team on 01724 296224. 

By using the service you may receive information about consultations, evaluation questionnaires and invites to focus groups, your views are invaluable and help North Lincolnshire SENDIASS to deliver a service to better support the needs of parents, carers, children and young people, however you do not have to take part.

Contacting the North Lincolnshire SEND Information Advice Support Service:

  • Telephone helpline 01724 277665
  • Email: