North Lincolnshire SENDIASS

Transitions in Education

North Lincolnshire SENDIASS knows that a transition in Education whether that be to Primary, Secondary, or Post-16 may be a challenging yet exciting process for Children & Young People with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).  Transition can also be between key stages and also school moves in year, for example when family moves house and a child moves school.

It is important to plan and prepare for transition as part of a child or young person’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support. They should be planned for as early as possible so that all relevant information can be shared to prepare the new school or setting.     

The current school or setting should start planning and share information with a new school or area as soon as possible, including:             

  • pupil profiles
  • past reports
  • provision maps
  • Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
  • attendance and behaviour data and support plans
  • mobility and communication needs
  • special measures to support learning, supervision and visual aids

It’s also important that your child’s voice is also heard and included in any planning. Does the school or setting know how they feel about the move and if there is anything they are worried about?

You might find the following video from the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) helpful if your child or young person has an EHCP:  

If you are feeling concerned about a future transition, you can ask your child’s school or setting for a meeting to discuss this and to identify any planning and support that is available. We can help you prepare for the meeting.

Transition to adulthood

It is important to consider what extra support your child may need to prepare them for a smooth transition in to adulthood, this could include education, health and social care.

You can find more information on support in Preparing for Adulthood on North Lincolnshire Council’s Local Offer Page.