North Lincolnshire SENDIASS

Welcome to the North Lincolnshire SENDIASS website

SENDIASS stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service.

SENDIASS (North Lincolnshire) is a free service for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their parents and carers. It’s impartial and we give confidential information, advice and support in relation to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and related health and social care matters.

We aim to empower children and young people with SEND and their families with the information needed to achieve the best possible outcomes.


We offer advice and support on a range of SEND related issues.


The type of information we offer includes:

  • SEND information
  • Exclusions/Suspensions information
  • Transition information
  • Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) information
  • Healthcare and medical needs information- SEND
  • Social care information-SEND
  • Disability and equality information

You can use the Advice and Information tab at the top of this page, or the search bar to find information on a range of topics.

We provide:

  • Support to understand SEND legislation and processes, including mediation and appeals to the SEN and Disability Tribunal
  • Advice on how to improve communication between parents, carers, young people and schools or other agencies.
  • Support to resolve disagreements around SEND issues impacting on young people and their families.
  • A wide range of online information and resources
  • Advocacy support to help children and their parents or young people to help ensure their views are heard and understood
  • A role in informing local policy and practice

Find us on social media:  Facebook 


The video below provides more information about what you can expect from SENDIASS